Anuar Heberlein,美国华盛顿州西雅图的金融专家
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Anuar Heberlein

验证专家  in Finance



Anuar has 15 years of expertise in go-to-market engagements conducting over 100 projects for Fortune 500 companies and championing startups. 他创立了STRATYGIKA, an international strategy consulting boutique specializing in go-to-market offerings led by former Bain & 麦肯锡咨询公司. Prior to that, Anuar worked with Second City Capital, a private equity company. 他也是贝恩公司的战略顾问 & Company. Anuar拥有INSEAD工商管理硕士学位和学士学位.Sc. 从ITAM获得经济学学位.


Bain & Company


Case Studies



  • Led a digital transformation project for an F500 SaaS player serving the financial industry. 该项目包括映射当前状态, 识别最佳实践, 并定义目标运营模式.
  • 设计并实现“收购”, Activation, and Retention" model to optimize the topline of a global SEO SaaS provider. Since the methodology was implemented, the LTV of users increased, and CAC was significantly reduced.
  • Prioritized a new market entry strategy in Europe based on a market sizing exercise and expert interviews in the countries of interest. 该客户是一家全球性的SaaS提供商. The client decided to go to the market in Germany first and Spain second.
  • Conducted due diligence on a high-tech vacation home rental marketplace for a VC. Our analysis determined that the assumptions were too aggressive and that the company managed key accounts poorly.
  • Designed and implemented an account segmentation tool across the country for a global consumer packaged goods company. The client had 300,000+ individual accounts and had no visibility at the C-suite level.
  • Implemented a market analysis of the total addressable market for a healthtech company. 目标是在一个全新的领域了解竞争对手, 生成定价建议, 并了解该技术的替代用例.
  • Led a Series A capital raise for a London-based online travel agency and was responsible for generating a company valuation, 确定公司的发展战略, 寻找战略投资者.
  • Generated a new pricing strategy that allowed our client to increase its top line and expand into other sectors. 我们的客户是一家专注于O的人力资本SaaS公司&G sector and wished to assess its pricing policy to expand into other sectors.
  • Implemented a valuation for a pre-revenue healthtech company in the neuroimaging space for a Series B capital raise, 使用建议的方法和评估. The company raised $10+ million in capital from private investment groups.
  • 为第三只基金找到收购目标, 为目标创建估值模型, 协助收购过程和谈判, 管理投资组合属性. The client was a North American real estate PE group ($2 billion in AUM).
重点领域:医疗技术, 私募股权顾问, 356平台, SPACs, LTV:CAC, 市场细分, 相对估值, 股票估值, 前收入估值, 定价模型, Pricing, SaaS, Travel, 包装消费品, Valuation, 估值建模, 估值倍数, 市场评估, 市场规模, 商业策略, Strategy, 杠杆收购模型, 杠杆收购(LBO), 私募股权估值, 私人股本, Investments, 企业融资, 财务战略, 财务流程改进, 财务运营改进, 绩效管理, 尽职调查, 市场研究, 财务规划 & Analysis (FP&A), Mergers & 收购(M&A),房地产,风险投资


2009 - 2010
  • Restructured a $7-billion debt resulting in $100 million yearly savings for the state of Mexico.
  • Designed a $35-million JV between a major private college and Mexico's largest fitness company.
  • Structured and placed a $25-million mezzanine loan for an Italian hospitality firm.
  • Led the valuation and due diligence for the largest direct response TV company in Mexico leading to the sale of the company for $90 million to a global PE group.
关注领域:私募股权顾问, 356平台, 定价模型, 风险资本, 投资银行, Valuation, Three-statement建模, 财务报告, 金融建模, Revenue & 费用预测,尽职调查,降低成本 & Optimization, 贴现现金流(DCF), 融资, 金融基准测试, 财务规划 & Analysis (FP&A), Mergers & 收购(M&A,房地产


2006 - 2009
Bain & Company
  • Worked at Bain's private equity practice which helped global private equity firms with commercial and financial due diligence projects, 市场评估, 包括cpg在内的多个行业的产品和价格基准, appliances & 电子、化工、工业机械等.
  • Spun-off successfully the financial services division of a Spanish energy company for US$150 million. 负责进行产品和价格基准测试, 对公司进行估值, 并在路演中提供帮助,直到它被出售给通用电气金融公司.
  • Led a global benchmark by region of the services offered to small-and-medium enterprises for a US global bank. 为该行业设计并重新定义了公司的全球战略.
  • Identified and implemented levers in the credit card division (activation, utilization, and retention—AUR model) that exceeded US$90 million in additional earnings for a global Spanish bank.
  • Developed a price-demand elasticity model for the largest beer bottler in Panama. 证明了需求是无弹性的. Presented the results to the CEO and avoided a price reduction that saved tens of millions to the company every year.
  • Quantified and realized US$100 million in synergies/savings between the largest soft drink company in Mexico and a juice company during a post-merger integration project that occurred immediately after the company's acquisition.
重点领域:医疗技术, 私募股权顾问, 356平台, SPACs, 定价模型, LTV:CAC, 风险资本, 前收入估值, SaaS, 市场细分, 盈利能力分析, Three-statement建模, 市场研究, Fundraising, 金融建模, Revenue & 费用预测, 贴现现金流(DCF), 尽职调查, Cost Reduction & Optimization, 资本结构分析, 可比公司分析, 金融基准测试, 成本基准测试, 商业智能(BI), Valuation, 投资组合分析, 价格分析, 数据分析, 财务规划 & Analysis (FP&A), Mergers & 收购(M&A,房地产


2005 - 2006
Procter & Gamble
  • Served as the Tampax brand manager for Mexico and was selected as the only co-op responsible for leading a brand (instead of acting as an assistant brand manager).
  • Launched the Tamapx Compak line and increased revenues by +30% (YOY) for the brand.
  • Designed and launched all marketing activities for Tampax including new product launches, 品牌激活, and was in charge of implementing strategies to capture additional share of market.
重点领域:降低成本 & Optimization, 客户终身价值, 商业智能(BI), 业务规划, 盈利能力分析
2010 - 2011

工商管理认证MBA (CMBA)学位


2000 - 2005


ITAM -墨西哥城,墨西哥